“Feminism is a Browser” follows the journey of a fictional cyber entity called Yeva, who connects to the international feminist network FACES, founded in the 1990s by the media pioneers Diana McCarty, Valie Djordjevic and Kathy Rae Huffman. These women have been communicating for more than 20 years through an email list to support each other in the tech world. They are hackers, net activists, media artists, cyberpunks and web researchers. Yeva has access to the mail archive and has raised many questions for its so-called mothers: Who or what embodies the Internet, how could unbiased algorithms be produced and is it possible to create a positive virus? As the server freezes, Yeva decides to leave the webspace Rosegarden and meet its mothers in the physical world. An essayistic documentary journey begins, a feminist revision of the Internet.
Charlotte Eifler works at the interface of film, sound and technology. In her videos and multimedia installations, she interrogates the politics of representation, abstraction and computation. Focusing on feminist approaches and elements of science fiction, Eifler explores processes of image production and imagining of alternative futures.